Pitchfork Flavor id Quickstart

Pitchfork allows customers to interact with the Rackspace API through a GUI rather than directly through the CLI. This article details potential flavor_id parameters when interacting with server tasks.


  • Rackspace Cloud Account
  • API Key, which you can find in the portal under My Profile & Settings
  • The Pitchfork tool

Common flavors

2512MB Standard Instance
31GB Standard Instance
42GB Standard Instance
54GB Standard Instance
68GB Standard Instance
715GB Standard Instance
830GB Standard Instance
compute1-1515 GB Compute v1
compute1-3030 GB Compute v1
compute1-43.75 GB Compute v1
compute1-6060 GB Compute v1
compute1-87.5 GB Compute v1
general1-11 GB General Purpose v1
general1-22 GB General Purpose v1
general1-44 GB General Purpose v1
general1-88 GB General Purpose v1
io1-120120 GB I/O v1
io1-1515 GB I/O v1
io1-3030 GB I/O v1
io1-6060 GB I/O v1
io1-9090 GB I/O v1


These are the most common server flavors. For a full list, you can use the List Flavors API call
listed under Flavors within Pitchfork.