Cloud Feeds events

This section describes the event types that are supported by Cloud Feeds and where they are placed in a feed.

Cloud Feeds supports the following event types:

Cloud Feeds product events

Cloud Feeds supports product events that contain information that is specific to a certain product.

Product events are located in the event node as shown in the following examples.

  Cloud feeds product events - XML example

<atom:entry xmlns:atom="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <atom:category term="tid:1234"/>
    <atom:category term="rgn:DFW"/>
    <atom:category term="dc:DFW1"/>
    <atom:category term="rid:4a2b42f4-6c63-11e2-815b-7fcbcf67f549"/>
    <atom:category term="widget.explicit.widget.usage"/>
    <atom:category term="type:widget.explicit.widget.usage"/>
    <atom:title type="text">Widget</atom:title>
    <atom:content type="application/xml">
        <event xmlns="" xmlns:sample="" dataCenter="DFW1" endTime="2013-03-15T23:59:59Z" environment="PROD" id="e53d007a-fc23-1131-975c-cfa6b29bb814" region="DFW" resourceId="4a2b42f4-6c63-11e2-815b-7fcbcf67f549" startTime="2013-03-15T13:51:11Z" tenantId="1234" type="USAGE" version="1">
            <sample:product dateTime="2013-09-26T15:32:00Z" disabled="false" enumList="BEST BEST" label="sampleString" mid="6e8bc430-9c3a-11d9-9669-0800200c9a66" num_checks="1" resourceType="WIDGET" serviceCode="Widget" stringEnum="3.0.1" time="15:32:00Z" version="1"/>
    <atom:link href="" rel="self"/>

  Cloud feeds product events - JSON example

    "entry": {
        "@type": "",
        "category": [
                "term": "tid:1234"
                "term": "rgn:DFW"
                "term": "dc:DFW1"
                "term": "rid:4a2b42f4-6c63-11e2-815b-7fcbcf67f549"
                "term": "widget.explicit.widget.usage"
                "term": "type:widget.explicit.widget.usage"
        "content": {
            "event": {
                "@type": "",
                "dataCenter": "DFW1",
                "endTime": "2013-03-15T23:59:59Z",
                "environment": "PROD",
                "id": "e53d007a-fc23-1131-975c-cfa6b29bb814",
                "product": {
                    "@type": "",
                    "dateTime": "2013-09-26T15:32:00Z",
                    "disabled": false,
                    "enumList": "BEST BEST",
                    "label": "sampleString",
                    "mid": "6e8bc430-9c3a-11d9-9669-0800200c9a66",
                    "num_checks": 1,
                    "resourceType": "WIDGET",
                    "serviceCode": "Widget",
                    "stringEnum": "3.0.1",
                    "time": "15:32:00Z",
                    "version": "1"
                "region": "DFW",
                "resourceId": "4a2b42f4-6c63-11e2-815b-7fcbcf67f549",
                "startTime": "2013-03-15T13:51:11Z",
                "tenantId": "1234",
                "type": "USAGE",
                "version": "1"
        "id": "urn:uuid:e53d007a-fc23-1131-975c-cfa6b29bb814",
        "link": [
                "href": "",
                "rel": "self"
        "published": "2015-05-07T15:10:39.991Z",
        "title": {
            "@text": "Widget",
            "type": "text"
        "updated": "2015-05-07T15:10:39.991Z"

The following table shows the attributes for the product event node.

Table: Attributes for the product event node

dataCenterOptional. Specifies the data center of the event. If this attribute is not specified, GLOBAL is assumed. GLOBAL implies that the resource is without an assigned data center.
endTimeOptional. Specifies the time that the event ends. The format must be ISO 8601 format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSZ (Z designates UTC). For an event of type EXIST, the startTime and endTime reflect the event duration for the resource instance. The end time is exclusive — that is, the event occurred up to, but not during the specified value. The end time must occur after the start time.
environmentSpecifies the environment from which the message originated. If this attribute is not specified, PROD is assumed. This attribute is required for events of type USAGE_SNAPSHOT, but is optional for all other event types.
eventTimeOptional. Specifies the time of the event, using ISO 8601 format and UTC. Use this attribute instead of startTime and endTime in cases where the event does not have a range.
idRequired. Specifies the UUID for the event record. This value should be UUID version 1, 2, or 4. For more information, see RFC 4122.
referenceIdOptional. Specifies a GUID that identifies the event record that this record is updating. This attribute should be used if this event is correcting another event.
regionSpecifies the region in which the event is located. If this attribute is not specified, GLOBAL is assumed. GLOBAL implies that the resource is without an assigned region.
resourceIdSpecifies the ID of the resource. This attribute is required if the resourceType attribute is specified in the product node, but is optional otherwise.
resourceNameOptional. Specifies the customer-defined name of the resource.
resourceURIOptional. Specifies a URI that uniquely identifies the resource.
rootActionOptional. Specifies the action that caused the event.
severityOptional. Specifies the severity of the event. Valid values are INFO, WARNING, and CRITICAL. This is attribute is valid only for system events, not for usage events.
startTimeSpecifies the time that the event starts. The format must be ISO 8601 format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.SSSZ (Z designates UTC). The start time is inclusive, which means that the event occurred starting at the start time, not after. This attribute is required for events of type USAGE, but is optional for all other event types.
tenantIdOptional. Specifies the tenant Id of the feeds publisher
typeRequired. Specifies the type of event. If one of the existing event types fails to produce any feeds, set this attribute to EXTENDED and add an eventType attribute to your product schema.
versionRequired. Specifies the version of the event record.



Cloud Feeds evaluates all product events against their XML schemas.

User access events in CADF

Cloud Feeds supports the Cloud Auditing Data Federation (CADF) standard. CADF provides a standard for the submission and retrieval of normative audit event data from cloud providers in the form of customized reports and logs. 

For more information about CADF, see Cloud Auditing Data Federation.

Cloud Feeds defines a set of event types, which take different attributes.

The following examples show a user access event that is encoded as a CADF event. The CADF event is located inside the Atom content element.

  User access events - XML example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?atom feed="functest1/events"?>
<atom:entry xmlns:atom=""
    <atom:category term="tid:123456" />
    <atom:category term="rgn:DFW" />
    <atom:category term="dc:DFW1" />
    <atom:category term="username:jackhandy" />
    <atom:title type="text">UserAccessEvent</atom:title>
    <atom:content type="application/xml">
        <cadf:event xmlns:cadf=""
            <cadf:initiator id="" typeURI="network/node" name="jackhandy">
                <cadf:host address="" agent="curl/7.8 (i386-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl 7.8" />
            <cadf:target id="x.x.x.x" typeURI="service" name="IDM" >
                <cadf:host address="" />
                <cadf:attachment name="auditData" contentType="ua:auditData">
                        <ua:auditData version="1">
            <cadf:observer id="IDM-1-1" name="repose-" typeURI="service/security">
                <cadf:host address="repose" />
            <cadf:reason reasonCode="200"

  User access events - JSON example

    "entry" : {
        "@type"   : "",
        "id"      : "urn:uuid:6fa234aea93f38c26fa234aea93f38c2", 
        "category": [
                "term": "tid:123456"
                "term": "rgn:DFW"
                "term": "dc:DFW1"
                "term": "username:jackhandy"
        "title"   : "Identity User Access Event",
        "content" : {
            "event" : {
                "typeURI"   : "",
                "id"        : "6fa234aea93f38c26fa234aea93f38c2",
                "eventType" : "activity",
                "eventTime" : "2015-03-12T13:20:00-05:00",
                "action"    : "create/post",
                "outcome"   : "success",

                "initiator" : {
                    "id"      : "",
                    "typeURI" : "network/node",
                    "name"    : "jackhandy",
                    "host"    : {
                        "address" : "",
                        "agent"   : "curl/7.8 (i386-redhat-linux-gnu) libcurl 7.8"

                "target" : {
                    "id"      : "x.x.x.x",
                    "typeURI" : "service",
                    "name"    : "IDM",
                    "host"    : {
                        "address" : ""

                "attachments" : [
                        "name"        : "auditData",
                        "contentType" : "",
                        "content"     :  {
                            "auditData" : {
                                "region"          : "DFW",
                                "dataCenter"      : "DFW1",
                                "methodLabel"     : "createToken",
                                "requestURL"      : "",
                                "queryString"     : "",
                                "tenantId"        : "123456",
                                "responseMessage" : "OK",
                                "userName"        : "jackhandy",
                                "roles"           : "xxx",
                                "version"         : "1"

                "observer" : {
                    "id"      : "IDM-1-1",
                    "name"    : "repose-",
                    "typeURI" : "service/security",
                    "host" : {
                        "address" : "repose"

                "reason" : {
                    "reasonCode" : 200,
                    "reasonType" : ""

The following table shows the CADF nodes that are specified in cadf.xsd.

Table: Elements of the CADF event node

eventSpecifies the CADF event node. Contains a set of attributes. For a detailed description of the CADF event attributes, see the “Attributes for CADF event node” table below.
initiatorSpecifies the CADF event initiator. Contains a set of attributes. For a detailed description of the CADF initiator attributes, see the “Attributes for CADF initiator node” table below.
targetSpecifies the target. Contains a set of attributes. For a detailed description of the CADF target attributes, see the “Attributes for CADF target node” table below.


  • attachment
Specifies an array of extended or domain-specific information about the node contains one or more nodes of type of the CADF event attributes, see the “Attributes for CADF target node” table below.
observerSpecifies the observer. For example, this can be a security provider or a service, such as Repose. Contains a set of attributes. For a detailed description of the CADF event attributes, see the “Attributes for CADF observer node” table below.
reasonContains a domain-specific reason code and policy data that provides an additional level of detail to the outcome value. Contains a set of attributes. For a detailed description of the CADF event attributes, see the “Attributes for CADF reason node” table below.

The CADF events are located inside the CADF event node.

The following table shows the elements of the CADF event node.

Table: Elements of the CADF event node

idRequired. Specifies the identifier for the resource.
eventTypeRequired. Specifies the purpose for creating the audit record. Must be set to the value activity.
typeURIRequired. Specifies the type of the resource that is using the CADF Resource Taxonomy. Must be set to the following URI: ""
eventTimeRequired. Specifies the time the event occurred or began as seen by the observer.
actionRequired. Specifies the type of activity that is described in the event record. Must be set to read.\*| create.\*
outcomeRequired. Specifies the outcome or result of the attempted action. Can be either success or failure.

The following table shows the elements of the CADF initiator node.

Table: Elements of the CADF initiator node

idRequired. Specifies the identifier for the resource.

Required. Specifies the type of the resource that is using the CADF Resource Taxonomy. Can have one of the following values:

  • service/security/account/user for authorized requests
  • network/node for unauthorized requests
nameSpecifies the name of the resource.

Specifies the host. Takes one of the following 2 attributes:

  • address
  • agent

The following table shows the elements of the CADF target node.

Table: Elements of the CADF target node

idRequired. Specifies the identifier for the resource.

Required. Specifies the type of the resource that is using the CADF Resource Taxonomy. Can have one of the following values:

  • service/security/account/user for authorized requests
  • network/node for unauthorized requests
nameSpecifies the name of the target.

Specifies the host. Takes the following attribute:

  • address

The following table shows the elements of the CADF attachment node.

Table: Elements of the CADF attachment node

nameSpecifies the name of the attachment, for example auditData.
contentTypeSpecifies the content type, for example ua:auditData.
contentContains a set of elements that define the auditData property. auditData contains attributes that define the user access event profile for Cloud Feeds. For a detailed description of the auditData property, see the “Attributes for auditData property” table in User access events in Cloud Feeds.

The following table shows the elements of the CADF observer node.

Table: Elements of the CADF observer node

idRequired. Specifies the identifier for the resource.

Required. Specifies the type of the resource that is using the CADF Resource Taxonomy. Can have one of the following values:

  • service/security/account/user for authorized requests
  • network/node for unauthorized requests
nameSpecifies the name.

Specifies the host. Takes the following attribute:

  • address

The following table shows the elements of the CADF reason node.

Table: Elements of the CADF reason node

reasonTypeSpecifies the reason type. For example, this can be a URL to a HTTP status code registry, such as RFC 7231.
reasonCodeRequired. Specfies the HTTP status code. Can be one of the following values: "[1-5] [0-9][0-9]".

User access events in Cloud Feeds

Cloud Feeds supports user access events, which use the CADF standard.
User access events provide a generic approach to capturing all API calls
that are issued against Rackspace product web services.

Cloud Feeds extends the CADF standard by providing a specific user
access event profile that captures audit data that is specific to the
user and the Rackspace cloud services they are using.

User access event data is included in the atom entry as a CADF
attachment of type auditData.

The following table shows the elements of the auditData property.

Table: Elements of the auditData property

versionRequired. Specifies the version of the audit data.
regionRequired. Specifies the region, such as DFW. If this value is not specified, GLOBAL is assumed.
dataCenterRequired. Specifies the data center of the event. If this value is not specified, GLOBAL is assumed. If this value is set, the region value must match, for example, if dataCenter is set to "DFW1," then region must be set to "DFW."
methodLabelOptional. Specifies the method that is used for this request. This attribute uses the friendly name of an API request, for example addUser.
requestURLSpecifies the URI of the request. If the URI contains any query strings, they truncated.
queryStringOptional. Specifies the query string. The query string is part of a URI and contianes the data that was added to the base URI, for example /?query_string.
tenantIdSpecifies the tenant id.
responseMessageSpecifies the response message that is sent as a response, to the request, for example "CREATED".
userNameSpecifies the username that the initiator is acting on behalf of.
rolesRequired. Contains a space-separated list of user roles.