Manage public IP address#

You can use the examples in the following sections to manage the public IP address by using RackConnect API operations. Before running the examples, review the RackConnect concepts.


These examples use the $API_ENDPOINT, $AUTH_TOKEN, and $TENANT_ID environment variables to specify the API endpoint, authentication token, and account ID values for accessing the service. Make sure you configure these variables before running the code samples.

As you complete these tasks, keep in mind that these public IP addresses are being allocated out of your dedicated environment’s assigned public IP blocks. Also, after your RackConnect v3.0 cloud servers are built and active, you can use the RackConnect v3.0 API to add and remove public IP addresses from them at any time.

Listing public IP addresses for a cloud server#

After you have obtained your authentication token, you can use the RackConnect API to list all public IP addresses that apply to a specific cloud server.

The following example shows how to issue a GET request that lists all the public IP addresses that pertain to a specific server that has been set up for a specific tenant.

cURL list all public IP addresses request

curl --include \
--request GET \
--header "X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \


You can obtain the UUID (universally unique identifier) of your cloud server from within its server details page in the Cloud Control Panel or with the Cloud Servers API—Get Server Details operation. The UUID is a 32-character entry with four hyphens in the ID or id section of the server details page.

The following example shows a successful response for a cloud server that has a public IP address assigned.

List all public IP addresses response

   "created": "2014-05-30T03:23:42Z",
             "cidr": "",
             "created": "2014-05-25T01:23:42Z",
             "id": "07426958-1ebf-4c38-b032-d456820ca21a",
             "name": "RC-CLOUD",
             "private_ip_v4": "",
             "updated": "2014-05-25T02:28:44Z"
       "created": "2014-05-30T02:18:42Z",
       "id": "d95ae0c4-6ab8-4873-b82f-f8433840cff2",
       "name": "RCv3TestServer1",
       "updated": "2014-05-30T02:19:18Z"
    "id": "2d0f586b-37a7-4ae0-adac-2743d5feb450",
    "public_ip_v4": "",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "status_detail": null,
    "updated": "2014-05-30T03:24:18Z"

The following command shows how to list a single public IP address for a specific Cloud Server that has been created for a specific tenant.

cURL list a single public IP address request

curl --include \
--request GET \
--header "X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \

The following example shows a successful response to a GET request to retrieve a single public ID address for a specific tenant.

List a single public IP address response

  "created": "2014-05-30T03:23:42Z",
        "cidr": "",
        "created": "2014-05-25T01:23:42Z",
        "id": "07426958-1ebf-4c38-b032-d456820ca21a",
        "name": "RC-CLOUD",
        "private_ip_v4": "",
        "updated": "2014-05-25T02:28:44Z"
         "created": "2014-05-30T02:18:42Z",
         "id": "d95ae0c4-6ab8-4873-b82f-f8433840cff2",
         "name": "RCv3TestServer1",
         "updated": "2014-05-30T02:19:18Z"
       "id": "2d0f586b-37a7-4ae0-adac-2743d5feb450",
       "public_ip_v4": "",
       "status": "ACTIVE",
       "status_detail": null,
       "updated": "2014-05-30T03:24:18Z"

Adding a public IP address#

You can use the RackConnect API to add a public IP address to a Rackspace cloud server. The following example shows how to use a POST request to add a new public IP address to a specific cloud server for a specific tenant.

cURL add a public IP address request

curl \
--request POST \
--header "X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{ "cloud_server": { "id": "serverUuid" } }' \
$API_ENDPOINT/v3/$TENANT_ID/public_ips \
| python -m json.tool

Following is an example of a successful response to a POST request to add a public IP address to a cloud server API request.

Add a single public IP address response

  "created": "2014-05-30T03:23:42Z",
      "cidr": "",
      "created": "2014-05-25T01:23:42Z",
      "id": "07426958-1ebf-4c38-b032-d456820ca21a",
      "name": "RC-CLOUD",
      "private_ip_v4": "",
      "updated": "2014-05-25T02:28:44Z"
   "created": "2014-05-30T02:18:42Z",
   "id": "d95ae0c4-6ab8-4873-b82f-f8433840cff2",
   "name": "RCv3TestServer1",
   "updated": "2014-05-30T02:19:18Z"
    "id": "2d0f586b-37a7-4ae0-adac-2743d5feb450",
    "public_ip_v4": null,
    "status": "ADDING",
    "status_detail": null,
    "updated": null


Be sure to record the id value of new IP addresses that you add. You need the ID to perform operations such as deleting an IP address. In the preceding example, the ID is 2d0f586b-37a7-4ae0- adac-2743d5feb450.

Removing a public IP address#

You can use the RackConnect API to remove a public IP address from a cloud server.

To remove a public IP address, issue a DELETE request against the RackConnect endpoint by providing the cloud server’s public IP v4 UUID. This value is listed as the id entry just above the public_ip_v4 entry in the responses of operations to list and add public IP addresses.

cURL remove a public IP address request

curl --include \
--request DELETE \
--header "X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \

This call does not return any JSON data—only an HTTP response code as shown in the following example. A 204 response code signifies that the public IP address was successfully removed from the cloud server.

Remove a public IP address response

HTTP/1.1 204 No
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
cache-control: no-cache
via: 1.1 Repose (Repose/3.0.1)
expires: -1
date: Thu, 13 Sep 2014 14:48:58 GMT
pragma: no-cache