Listing images (cURL)#

  1. Issue the following cURL command.

    List images with cURL request

    $ curl -s https://$API_ENDPOINT/v2/$TENANT_ID/images \
           -H "X-Auth-Token: $AUTH_TOKEN" | python -m json.tool

    For each image, the command returns the ID, links, metadata, and name. The following output shows the information returned for the Ubuntu 11.10 image. For brevity, other images in the array are not shown.

    List images with cURL response

        "images": [
                "OS-DCF:diskConfig": "AUTO",
                "created": "2012-02-28T19:38:57Z",
                "id": "3afe97b2-26dc-49c5-a2cc-a2fc8d80c001",
                "links": [
                        "href": "",
                        "rel": "self"
                        "href": "",
                        "rel": "bookmark"
                        "href": "",
                        "rel": "alternate",
                        "type": "application/vnd.openstack.image"
                "metadata": {
                    "arch": "x86-64",
                    "auto_disk_config": "True",
                    "com.rackspace__1__build_core": "1",
                    "com.rackspace__1__build_managed": "1",
                    "com.rackspace__1__build_rackconnect": "1",
                    "com.rackspace__1__options": "0",
                    "com.rackspace__1__visible_core": "1",
                    "com.rackspace__1__visible_managed": "1",
                    "com.rackspace__1__visible_rackconnect": "1",
                    "image_type": "base",
                    "org.openstack__1__architecture": "x64",
                    "org.openstack__1__os_distro": "org.ubuntu",
                    "org.openstack__1__os_version": "11.10",
                    "os_distro": "ubuntu",
                    "os_type": "linux",
                    "os_version": "11.10",
                    "rax_managed": "false",
                    "rax_options": "0"
                "minDisk": 10,
                "minRam": 256,
                "name": "Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Oncelot)",
                "progress": 100,
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "updated": "2012-02-28T19:39:05Z"
  2. Copy the image ID for the Ubuntu 11.10 image from the id field in the output.

    In this example, the id value for the Ubuntu 11.10 image is 3afe97b2-26dc-49c50a2cc-a2fc8d80c001.

Next topic: Listing flavors