Release notes#

Learn about new features, enhancements, known issues, resolved issues, and other important details for Rackspace CDN API 1.0 service in the following release note information.


For information about using the API, see the documentation overview.

API 1.0 updates, September 22, 2016#

What’s new#

None for this release

Resolved issues#

  • Validation added to top level domains during secure certificate requests.

  • Retries a different DNS shard if the shard is at capacity.

Known issues#

None for this release

API 1.0 updates, September 1, 2016#

What’s new#

None for this release

Resolved issues#

  • Fixed the ordering of caching rules in terms of restrictiveness, causing some rules to not apply.

  • Fixed an issue where adding a second domain to your service caused log delivery to be disabled.

Known issues#

None for this release

API 1.0 updates, August 22, 2016#

What’s new#

None for this release

Resolved issues#

Fixed the duplicate mapping of the country code for Costa Rica in the geographical restrictions.

Known issues#

None for this release

API 1.0 updates, June 7, 2016#

What’s new#

Added the Retrieve analytics data operation to collect and report customer analytics.

Resolved issues#

None for this release

Known issues#

None for this release

API 1.0 updates, April 14, 2016#

What’s new#

Added a rate limit of 20 requests per minute to the Purge a cached asset operation.

Resolved issues#

None for this release

Known issues#

None for this release

API 1.0 updates, March 7, 2016#

What’s new#

The access URL now appears when a service with SAN is created instead of waiting until after the SAN cert is deployed.

Resolved issues#

Fixed an issue to submit the Akamai product information when requesting a SAN certificate, which resolves a problem where SAN certificate requests have been failing.

Known issues#

None for this release

API 1.0 updates, January 20, 2016#

What’s new#

None for this release

Resolved issues#

  • For the API, fixed Guyana’s country code. This issue was causing geographical restrictions to fail in some cases.

  • For the API, added a better validation message for blacklisting and whitelisting geographies.

  • In the Cloud Control Panel for Rackspace CDN, fixed an issue where the text that describes the time to deploy a SAN certificate needed more clarification when users are requesting a SAN certificate.

  • In the Cloud Control Panel for Rackspace CDN, fixed an issue where the example domain in the text box was not a subdomain, which caused confusion to users.

Known issues#

None for this release

API 1.0 updates, January 13, 2016#

What’s new#

The delete an SSL certificate operation has been added.

WARNING: If you delete a working SSL certificate, you will break your CDN service.

Resolved issues#

None for this release

Known issues#

None for this release

API 1.0 updates, December 10, 2015#

What’s new#

  • In the Control Panel, customers can now create and edit CDN services using domains with SAN certificates without going through Rackspace Support.

  • In the Control Panel, the layout of the Service Details page has been changed to better display domains and associated Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates.

  • For the API, the certificate status is now returned in the JSON of HTTPS domains.

Resolved issues#

For the API, fixed an issue where new domains appeared to be already taken.

Known issues#

None for this release

API 1.0 updates, October 27, 2015#

What’s new#

Rackspace CDN now supports Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) for both IPv4 and IPv6. See the create service operation.

Resolved issues#

Added CIDR support in the create service operation for IP address restrictions.

Known issues#

None for this release

API 1.0 updates, October 5, 2015#

What’s new#

The default value for the hard query parameter in the purge a cached asset operation has been updated to true, which indicates a purge.

Resolved issues#

None for this release

Known issues#

The create a service operation does not currently support Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) for IP address restrictions.

API 1.0 updates, September 11, 2015#

What’s new#

  • The geography parameter has been added to restrictions for the create a service operation. You can use this parameter to specify a country from which you want to restrict requests.

  • The project_id parameter has been added to the response for the retrieve a service and retrieve all services operations.

  • IP restrictions now support IPv6 addresses for the create a service operation.

Resolved issues#

None for this release

Known issues#

None for this release

API 1.0 updates, August 26, 2015#

What’s new#

  • Cache invalidation has been added to the purge a cached asset operation through the hard query parameter. The default value for hard is set to false, which does cache invalidation, while setting the value to true performs an actual purge.

  • The access attribute with valid values of whitelist and blacklist has been added to the restrictions parameter for the create a service operation to allow or block access.

  • The request_url and client_ip attributes have been added to the rules parameter for the create a service operation. These attributes enable restriction rules for URLs and IP addresses.

  • New services are now created with a default TTL for /*. You see this default TTL in the rules section of the service.

Resolved issues#

  • Fixed an issue to now disallow entering a root domain for the domain field in a service

  • Fixed an issue where now a TTL of 0 seconds is treated as “no-cache” with Akamai

Known issues#

None for this release

API 1.0 updates, July 14, 2015#

What’s new#

Rackspace CDN has been updated to include host header information by adding the hostheadertype and hostheadervalue parameters to the create a service request.

Resolved issues#

None for this release

Known issues#

None for this release

API 1.0 updates, June 10, 2015#

What’s new#

Rackspace CDN has been updated to allow HTTP traffic on an SSL domain. Consequently, the description of the protocol parameter for the request in the create a service operation has been changed. The statement that indicated that domains must use the same protocol has been deleted.

Resolved issues#

None for this release

Known issues#

None for this release

API 1.0 UA release, April 27, 2015#

What’s new#

This is the initial Unlimited Access (UA) release of the Rackspace CDN API.

Resolved issues#

None for this release

Known issues#

None for this release

API 1.0 EA release, January 7, 2015#

What’s new#

This is the Early Access (EA) release of the Rackspace CDN API.

Resolved issues#

None for this release

Known issues#

None for this release