Create rules#

When you create a service POST call to /v1.0/{project_id}/services you can define rules for the service for the following parameters within the request:

  • origins: Specifies a collection of rules that define the conditions when the origin should be accessed. If there is more than one origin,the rules parameter is required.

    The origin.rules parameter supports the name and request_url parameters.

  • caching: Specifies a collection of rules that determine if the TTL should be applied to an asset.

    The caching.rules parameter supports the name and request_url parameters.

  • restrictions: Specifies a collection of rules that define the restrictions to impose on the service. Rules can be combined together.

    The retrictions.rules parameter supports name, referrer, request_url, geography, and client_ip parameters.


Each of the parameters above are described in Create a service.

These rules are stored in a policy file at every edge server and are applied to your traffic when a request is issued that matches the path of your rule. For that reason, creating rules for your content always begins by setting a path for which the rule should be applied. Because Rackspace CDN applies rules using a path, you can specify rules as granular as the file level.

Within the Rackspace CDN API, paths are defined using the domain and origin parameters in the request to create a service. Then, for example, with the caching.rules, you might set ttl equal to 3600 seconds (1 hour) for a specific file by making the rule path /videos/marketingspot/abccompany/welcomevideo.mp4.

For more information about rules, see Rackspace CDN edge rules.